
Web designer goes to hollywood

The old grouch
The old grouch

Mio cugino, il page builder di WordPress

Scritto 4 anni fa e archiviato in Journal

Disegnare temi grafici per Wordpress è relativamente semplice. Servono pochi ingredienti: attenzione ai contenuti, il core del progetto, quindi un buon prototipo iniziale, un template grafico e un buon codice HTML. A questo punto, un po’ di conoscenza di PHP e del Codex di Wordpress e il gioco è fatto.

Leggi tutto


  • Facile da usare
  • Per tutti
  • Gratuito & modulare
  • Il cugino virtuale


  • Facile da usare?
  • Per tutti?
  • Gratuito & modulare?
  • Stop Doing that Shit
  • Si stava meglio quando si stava con le tabelle Theme designer frustrato
2020 Logo Trend Report
As with every logo trend report I write, I look to the past before looking ahead. You can’t tell where something is going if you don’t know where it’s been. There’s always a reason something goes viral or takes off—something set it in motion, good or bad. So let’s start by addressing the white elephant on the planet: COVID-19. 4 anni fa
2020 Logo Trend Report
As with every logo trend report I write, I look to the past before looking ahead. You can’t tell where something is going if you don’t know where it’s been. There’s always a reason something goes viral or takes off—something set it in motion, good or bad. So let’s start by addressing the white elephant on the planet: COVID-19. 4 anni fa
GitHub – yemount/pose-animator
Pose Animator takes a 2D vector illustration and animates its containing curves in real-time based on the recognition result from PoseNet and FaceMesh. It borrows the idea of skeleton-based animation from computer graphics and applies it to vector characters. 4 anni fa
Shadowland – The Atlantic
The rise of mainstream conspiracism is the result not just of bad information or bad politics or bad thinking, but of systems built to stoke paranoia and to profit from mistrust 4 anni fa



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